• Placeholder
    Jedi Master Luke Skywalker
  • Query Count Context: #0 hiddenability_galacticlegends_allied_galacticlegend_query Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive or Dead and is galactic_legend
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #1 hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_targeting_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag hiddenability_galacticlegends_specific_targeting_handler
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_targeting_handler
    Effect expires on: Add Persistent Effecthiddenability_galacticlegends_specific_targeting_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Turn Start
    Query Count Context: #0 hiddenability_supremeleaderkyloren01_enemy_generalskywalker_advance_query Unavoidable
    For Leader from Enemy Side who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag leaderability_generalskywalker_advance
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Immunity Context: #1 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_ct5555_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #2 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_chewbacca_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_chewbaccalegendary
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #3 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_generalskywalker_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_generalskywalker
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag cover_buff
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #4 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_grandadmiralthrawn_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_grandadmiralthrawn
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #5 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_grandmasteryoda_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_grandmasteryoda
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #6 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_darthrevan_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_darthrevan
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #7 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_darthnihilus_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_darthnihilus
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #8 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_jediknightrevan_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_jediknightrevan
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #9 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_armorer_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_armorer
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #10 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_wattambor_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_wattambor
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #11 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_mothertalzin_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_mothertalzin
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute or #10 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #12 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_asajjventress_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_asajventriss
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute or #11 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #13 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_t3m4_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_t3_m4
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute or #10 effect successfully execute or #12 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #14 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_moffgideons1_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_moffgideons1
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute or #10 effect successfully execute or #11 effect successfully execute or #13 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #15 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_grandinquisitor_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_grandinquisitor
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute or #10 effect successfully execute or #11 effect successfully execute or #12 effect successfully execute or #13 effect successfully execute or #14 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #16 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_badbatch_echo_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_badbatchecho
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute or #10 effect successfully execute or #11 effect successfully execute or #12 effect successfully execute or #13 effect successfully execute or #14 effect successfully execute or #15 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Immunity Context: #17 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_shieldgenerator_target_marker_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive and is selftag_shieldgeneratorgungan
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the context #1 effect successfully execute or #2 effect successfully execute or #3 effect successfully execute or #4 effect successfully execute or #5 effect successfully execute or #6 effect successfully execute or #7 effect successfully execute or #8 effect successfully execute or #9 effect successfully execute or #10 effect successfully execute or #11 effect successfully execute or #12 effect successfully execute or #13 effect successfully execute or #14 effect successfully execute or #15 effect successfully execute or #16 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Query Count Context: #18 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_standard_target_marker_query Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #19 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_standard_target_stealth_query_CF Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag stealth_buff
    This effect will FILTER OUT available targets based on the previous effect's target(s) that failed to execute the effect
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Immunity Context: #20 hiddenability_galacticlegends_nonstealth_standard_target_marker_CE Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive
    Where an active effect doesn't have tags stealth_buff or ignore_me
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Query Count Context: #21 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_standard_target_taunt_query_CF Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags taunt_buff or deathmark_debuff or special_deathmark_debuff or marked_debuff or visible_taunt_ignore_effect or invisible_taunt_ignore_effect or resilient_defense
    This effect will FILTER OUT available targets based on the target(s) from context #18 that failed to execute the effect
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #22 hiddenability_galacticlegends_enemy_taunt_excluding_standard_target_query_CS Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker , and does have tags taunt_buff or deathmark_debuff or special_deathmark_debuff or marked_debuff or visible_taunt_ignore_effect or invisible_taunt_ignore_effect or resilient_defense
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Immunity Context: #23 hiddenability_galacticlegends_taunt_standard_target_marker_CE Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags taunt_buff or resilient_defense or deathmark_debuff or special_deathmark_debuff or marked_debuff or visible_taunt_ignore_effect or invisible_taunt_ignore_effect
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive hiddenability_galacticlegends_standard_target_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Round End
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