• 50R-T

    While 50R-T is active, at the start of 50R-T's turn, apply Spare Parts to all other Droid allies that do not have it. Whenever Droid allies gain Spare Parts, they gain +25% Offense (stacking) for the rest of the encounter. Whenever a Droid ally is defeated, dispel all debuffs on 50R-T.

  • Apply Effect Context: #0 datacron_character_50rt_001_SOT_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Child effects are applied on: Turn Start
    Modify Stat Context: #0 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_attack_crit_chance Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag spare_parts_buff
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 30% (additive)
    Descriptive countable_special_buff buff spare_parts_buff
    Effect expires on: Death
    Modify Stat Context: #1 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_ability_crit_chance Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect does have tag spare_parts_buff
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 30% (additive)
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectspare_parts_buff
    Modify Stat Context: #2 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_attack_BASE Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect does have tag spare_parts_buff
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 30% (multiplicative)
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectspare_parts_buff
    Modify Stat Context: #3 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_ability_BASE Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect does have tag spare_parts_buff
    Modify stat Special Damage by 30% (multiplicative)
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectspare_parts_buff
    Apply Effect Context: #4 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_revive_handler_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag 50RT_spare_parts_revive_handler , and does have tag spare_parts_buff
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive 50RT_spare_parts_revive_handler
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectspare_parts_buff, Death
    Child effects are applied on: Death
    Apply Effect Context: #0 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_revive_effects_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Dead
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive datacron_50RT_spare_parts_revive_effects_handler
    Effect expires on: Round End
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #0 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_dodge Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Dodged, Dodge Post Evasion Eval, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_deflection Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag foresight_dodge
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_deflection clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Dodged, Dodge Post Evasion Eval, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #2 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_protection_up Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 50% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive 50RT_spare_parts_protection
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Revive Unit Context: #1 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_revive Unavoidable
    For Self who is Dead
    Revive the target(s) at 100% of revived unit's Health
    Descriptive 50RT_spareparts_revive
    Dispel Context: #2 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_dispel_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive or Dead
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags spare_parts_buff
    Apply Effect Context: #1 datacron_character_50rt_001_SOE_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Child effects are applied on: Encounter Start
    Apply Effect Context: #0 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_gain_offense_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_gain_offense_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_gain_offense_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Add Persistent Effectspare_parts_buff
    Modify Stat Context: #0 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_gain_attack_damage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect does have tag spare_parts_buff
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect expires on: Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 datacron_character_50rt_001_spareparts_gain_ability_damage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect does have tag spare_parts_buff
    Modify stat Special Damage by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect expires on: Encounter End
    Apply Effect Context: #1 datacron_character_50rt_001_defeat_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is species_droid
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag datacron_character_50rt_001_defeat_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive datacron_character_50rt_001_defeat_handler
    Child effectis applied on: Death
    Dispel Context: #0 datacron_character_50rt_001_dispel_debuffs Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_50rt
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dispel_ally
    Effected Tags clearable_debuff
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