• Master's Technique

    Whenever an ally attacks out of turn, they gain 8% Mastery until they are defeated.
    Target: All Player Units
  • Effect

  • Apply Effect Context: #0 generic_myturn_handler_ally_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag generic_myturn_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive generic_myturn_handler
    Effect expires on: Add Persistent Effectleaderability_myturn_handler
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_myturn_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag myturn_marker
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive myturn_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Turn End, Encounter End
    Apply Effect Context: #1 artifact_ability_assist_mastery_1_cost_rare_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag artifact_ability_assist_mastery_1_cost_rare_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive artifact_ability_assist_mastery_1_cost_rare_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Attack
    Query Count Context: #0 query_is_it_my_turn_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag myturn_marker
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #1 artifact_ability_assist_mastery_1_cost_rare_mastery_CS Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Mastery by 8% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Effect expires on: Death
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