• Extortion
    Nute Gunray
  • Immunity Context: #0 nutegunray_extortion_toast_pls Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive generic_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move
    Recover Context: #1 extortion_recover_health_10pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive and is not role_raidboss
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Blackboard Query Context: #2 hiddenability_nutegunray_blackboard_is_it_done_query Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive or Dead and is selftag_nutegunray
    Check target(s) blackboard nutegunray_extortion_stats value is less than or equal to 4
    Blackboard Modify Context: #3 hiddenability_nutegunray_blackboard_increase Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive or Dead and is selftag_nutegunray
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Add 1 (additive) to value on blackboard nutegunray_extortion_stats
    Modify Stat Context: #4 nutegunray_extortion_ability_criticalchance Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive or Dead and is affiliation_separatist
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 10% (additive)
    Modify Stat Context: #5 nutegunray_extortion_attack_criticalchance Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive or Dead and is affiliation_separatist
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 10% (additive)
    Modify Stat Context: #6 nutegunray_extortion_attack_criticaldamage Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive or Dead and is affiliation_separatist
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 10% (additive)
    Immunity Context: #7 nutegunray_profit_icon Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive or Dead and is affiliation_separatist
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags derp
    Dispel Context: #8 nutegunray_extortion_dispel Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags nutegunray_extortion_dispelme
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