• Battle Meditation
    Battle Meditation
    Grand Master Yoda
  • Modify Stat Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #1 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #5 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #6 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Recover Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_BASE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 15% Turn Meter (multiplicative)
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Modify Stat Context: #1 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #5 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #6 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #50 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Recover Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_u01 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Turn Meter (multiplicative)
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Modify Stat Context: #1 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #5 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #6 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #50 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Recover Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_u02 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 25% Turn Meter (multiplicative)
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Modify Stat Context: #1 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #5 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #6 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #50 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Recover Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_u03 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 25% Turn Meter (multiplicative)
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Modify Stat Context: #1 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #5 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #6 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #50 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Recover Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_u04 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 30% Turn Meter (multiplicative)
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Modify Stat Context: #1 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #5 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #6 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #50 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Recover Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_u05 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 35% Turn Meter (multiplicative)
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Modify Stat Context: #1 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #5 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #6 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #50 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Recover Context: #0 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_u06 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 35% Turn Meter (multiplicative)
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Query Count Context: #1 query_jedi_ally_all_exclude_self Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is profession_jedi
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Recover Context: #2 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_quicken_self_context_multiplier_BASE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover using previous effect's context (CONTEXT_VALUES_SUM * 10%) * TARGET_MAX_TURN_METER as Turn Meter
    Descriptive speed_recovery
    Modify Stat Context: #3 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 3x Turn End, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Grant Shield Context: #4 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_generic_protection_up_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #5 generic_foresight_dodge_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Dodged, Dodge Post Evasion Eval, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #6 generic_foresight_deflection_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_deflection clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Dodged, Dodge Post Evasion Eval, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #7 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_offense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_buff or ability_power_buff or attack_buff or ability_power_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #8 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_buff offense_up_part1 featcounter_attack_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #9 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitypower Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Damage by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_power_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #10 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_defense Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_buff or suppression_buff or armor_buff or suppression_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #11 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_armor Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_buff defense_up_part1 featcounter_armor_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #12 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_resist Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance by 50% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #13 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_evasion Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags dodge_buff or deflection_buff or dodge_buff or deflection_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #14 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_dodge Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive dodge_buff evasion_up_part1 featcounter_dodge_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #15 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_deflection Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 15% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive deflection_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #16 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_crit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff or attack_crit_buff or ability_crit_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #17 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attackcrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_buff critical_chance_up_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #18 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 25% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #19 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_critdamage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag crit_damage_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #20 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_critdamage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Critical Damage by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive crit_damage_buff featcounter_crit_damage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #21 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags max_health_buff or max_health_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #22 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 15% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive max_health_buff featcounter_max_health_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #23 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_speed Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags speed_buff or speed_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #24 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_speed Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 25% (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive speed_buff featcounter_speed_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #25 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_tenacity Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags tenacity_buff or tenacity_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #26 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_tenacity Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Tenacity by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive tenacity_buff featcounter_tenacity_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #27 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_potency Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags potency_buff or potency_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #28 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_potency Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive potency_buff featcounter_potency_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #29 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_foresight Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags foresight or foresight
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #30 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_physical_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Dodge by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight foresight_part1 featcounter_foresight foresight_dodge clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Modify Stat Context: #31 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_special_foresight Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Deflection by 999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive foresight featcounter_foresight clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End, Dodged, Remove Persistent Effectforesight, Dodge Post Evasion Eval
    Query Count Context: #32 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_advantage Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags advantage or advantage
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #33 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_advantage Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage advantage_buff clearable_buff countable_buff featcounter_advantage_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Child effects are applied on: Start Move
    Modify Stat Context: #0 generic_advantage_physcrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Physical Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Modify Stat Context: #1 generic_advantage_abilitycrit Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Modify stat Special Critical Chance by 200% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage
    Effect expires on: Remove Persistent Effectadvantage_expire_trigger, Death, Perform Move, Round End
    Apply Effect Context: #2 generic_advantage_trigger_step2 Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect expires on: Critical, Perform Move
    Child effectis applied on: Critical
    Immunity Context: #0 advantage_expire_trigger Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive advantage_expire_trigger
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Perform Move, Round End
    Query Count Context: #34 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_retribution Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags retribution or retribution
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #35 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_retribution Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Counter Attack by 100% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive retribution featcounter_retribution clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #36 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_hot Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags heal_over_time or heal_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #37 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_hot Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive heal_over_time featcounter_heal_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Turn Start, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Add Persistent Effectwattambor_trigger_hots, Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 recover_health_10pct_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 10% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Query Count Context: #38 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_attack_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags attack_crit_avoidance_buff or attack_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #39 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_attack_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive attack_crit_avoidance_buff critical_hit_immunity_part1 featcounter_attack_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #40 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_ability_crit_avoidance Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags ability_crit_avoidance_buff or ability_crit_avoidance_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #41 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_ability_crit_avoidance_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Critical Avoidance by 9,999,900% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ability_crit_avoidance_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Add Persistent Effectdispel_marker, Death, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #42 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags shield_buff or special_shield_buff or shield_buff or special_shield_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #43 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 30% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive shield_buff featcounter_shield_buff shield_buff_30pct clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #44 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_protection_over_time_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags protection_over_time or protection_over_time
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Apply Effect Context: #45 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_protection_over_time_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive protection_over_time featcounter_protection_over_time clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: 2x Full Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End
    Child effectis applied on: Turn Start
    Recover Context: #0 generic_recover_protection_self_20pct Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Recover 20% Protection (multiplicative)
    Descriptive protection_recovery
    Query Count Context: #46 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_health_steal_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags healthsteal_buff or healthsteal_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #47 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_steal_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health Steal by 50% (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive countable_buff clearable_buff healthsteal_buff featcounter_healthsteal_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #48 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_armor_penetration_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags armor_penetration_buff or armor_penetration_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #49 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_health_armor_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Armor Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive armor_penetration_buff defense_penetration_up_part1 featcounter_armor_penetration_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Modify Stat Context: #50 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_suppression_penetration_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous effect successfully executed
    Modify stat Resistance Penetration by 150 (additive)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive suppression_penetration_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #51 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_overcharge_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags overcharge_buff or overcharge_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Grant Shield Context: #52 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_overcharge_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Add a shield of 350% Max Health (multiplicative)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive bonus_max_protection overcharge_buff clearable_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
    Query Count Context: #53 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_query_accuracy_buff Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tags accuracy_buff or accuracy_buff
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #54 specialability_grandmasteryoda03_accuracy_buff_all Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Accuracy by 15% (additive)
    Descriptive accuracy_buff clearable_buff countable_buff buff featcounter_accuracy_buff
    Effect expires on: Death, 2x Full Turn Complete, Encounter End
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