• Tactical Awareness
    Tactical Awareness
    CT-5555 "Fives"
  • Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Health Limit Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_BASE Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Recover Context: #4 recover_health_40pct_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 40% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #6 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Health Limit Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_u01 Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Recover Context: #4 recover_health_45pct_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 45% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #6 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Health Limit Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_u02 Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Recover Context: #4 recover_health_50pct_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 50% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #6 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Health Limit Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_u03 Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Recover Context: #4 recover_health_60pct_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 60% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #6 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Health Limit Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_u04 Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Recover Context: #4 recover_health_70pct_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 70% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #6 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Health Limit Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_u05 Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Recover Context: #4 recover_health_85pct_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 85% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #6 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Health Limit Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_u06 Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Recover Context: #4 recover_health_full_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 100% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #6 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Immunity Context: #0 generic_revive_immunity_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive or Dead
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive revive_immunity
    Effected Tags revive
    Immunity Context: #1 ct5555_killmyself_marker_setup Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
    Apply Effect Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_death_cleanup_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Effect is unresistable
    Child effectis applied on: Death, Fled
    Dispel Context: #0 uniqueability_ct555502_defeat_handler_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Health Limit Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Where an active effect doesn't have tag fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Min of 1
    Descriptive no_defeat_fives fives_health_limit
    Effect expires on: Ally Killedselftag_ct5555, Ally Fledselftag_ct5555
    Apply Effect Context: #4 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_handler_u07 Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side (excluding self) who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive fives_no_defeat_dispel_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage, Receive Damageunmitigable_damage, Receive Damageeffect_damage, Receive Damagedestroy, Receive Damagedevour, Receive Damageannihilate, Receive Damagedisintegrate
    Query Count Context: #0 fives_query_fortified Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag im_fortified
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Query Count Context: #1 killmyself_marker_query Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where an active effect does have tag ct5555_killmyself_marker
    This effect will SKIP EXECUTION if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Dispel Context: #2 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Where Health <= 1
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Dispel Context: #3 uniqueability_ct555502_no_defeat_effect_dispel Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags no_defeat_fives
    Query Stat Context: #4 fives_query_health_self_INSTANT Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Puts the target(s) and their Health value from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #5 uniqueability_ct555502_health_buff Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone or not selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 100% * CONTEXT_VALUE (additive)
    Query Stat Context: #6 fives_query_protection_self_INSTANT Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive or Dead and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Puts the target(s) and their Protection value from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #7 uniqueability_ct555502_protection_buff Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone or not selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Protection by 100% * CONTEXT_VALUE (additive)
    Query Stat Context: #8 fives_query_speed_self_INSTANT Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Puts the target(s) and their Speed value from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #9 uniqueability_ct555502_speed_buff Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone or not selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Speed by 1 * CONTEXT_VALUE (additive)
    Query Stat Context: #10 fives_query_abilitypower_self_INSTANT Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Puts the target(s) and their Special Damage value from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #11 uniqueability_ct555502_abilitypower_buff Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone or not selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Damage by 100% * CONTEXT_VALUE (additive)
    Query Stat Context: #12 fives_query_attackdamage_self_INSTANT Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Puts the target(s) and their Physical Damage value from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #13 uniqueability_ct555502_attackdamage_buff Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is affiliation_501st_clone or not selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 100% * CONTEXT_VALUE (additive)
    Recover Context: #14 recover_health_full_self_INSTANT_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Recover 100% Health (multiplicative)
    Descriptive health_recovery
    Apply Effect Context: #15 uniqueability_ct555502_destroy_fives_instead_handler Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #2 effect successfully execute
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive destroy_fives_instead_handler
    Effect expires on: Death
    Child effects are applied on: Round End
    Dispel Context: #0 dispel_health_min_limits_self Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effect is unresistable
    Effected Tags droid_1up_handler droid_health_limit magnaguard_health_limit 501st_clone_effects no_defeat_generalskywalker jedi_health_limit jedi_health_limit_backup generic_health_limit_self no_defeat_darthtalon leaderability_quigonjinn_no_defeat_effect_jedi razorcrest_health_limit hutt_cartel_modifier_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit galactic_republic_health_limit_backup stable_bulwark_health_limit second_wind_health_limit uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_self uniqueability_imperialsupercommando02_no_kill_gar uniqueability_moffgideons301_no_kill_self uniqueability_kelleranbeq01_savior_no_kill_health_limit no_defeat_protection_kelleranbeq artifact_ability_artifact_savior_2_cost_epic_health_limit jarjarbinks01_cant_lose_health
    Dispel Context: #1 fives_dispel_fortify Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags
    Effected Tags im_fortified
    Destroy Context: #2 destroy_fives Unavoidable
    For All from Ally Side who are Alive and is selftag_ct5555
    Destroy the current target(s)
    Immunity Context: #16 ct5555_killmyself_marker Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
    Effect is unresistable
    Descriptive ct5555_killmyself_marker
    Effected Tags derp
    Effect expires on: Pre Receive Damageno_kill_damage
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