• Dash Rendar

    Whenever Dash Rendar critically hits an enemy or inflicts a debuff on an enemy, he gains 8% Max Health, Potency, and Offense (stacking) until the end of battle.

  • Apply Effect Context: #0 datacron_character_dashrendar_001_handler Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
    Descriptive datacron_character_dashrendar_001_handler
    Child effects are applied on: Critical, Persistent Effect Inflicted Instancecountable_debuff, Persistent Effect Inflicted Instancecountable_special_debuff
    Query Count Context: #0 generic_query_whodunit_enemy_unithealthstateany Unavoidable
    For All from Enemy Side who are Alive or Dead
    This effect will FILTER target unit(s) that match the effect's targeting
    Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE
    Modify Stat Context: #1 datacron_character_dashrendar_001_potency_increase_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Potency by 8% (multiplicative)
    Modify Stat Context: #2 datacron_character_dashrendar_001_maxhealth_increase_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #0 query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Health by 8% (multiplicative)
    Descriptive max_health_increase
    Modify Stat Context: #3 datacron_character_dashrendar_001_attackdamage_increase_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #0 query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Physical Damage by 8% (multiplicative)
    Modify Stat Context: #4 datacron_character_dashrendar_001_abilitypower_increase_CE Unavoidable
    For Self who is Alive
    This effect will EXECUTE if the context #0 query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
    Modify stat Special Damage by 8% (multiplicative)
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